ChronoCoach® - The first training course in chronobiology

ChronoCoach® – The knowledge of chronobiology is revolutionizing all training courses that deal with health issues. Why?

Chronobiology is the science of the genetically determined internal clock. The best-known symbols for this are probably the owl and the lark, so-called chronotypes. Chronobiology, as the science of the rhythmic organization of living beings, together with nutrition, forms the most important basis for exerting a targeted influence on one’s own health, performance and therefore quality of life and work. The key point here is that everyone ticks differently. In our projects alone, there was a huge difference of 13.5 hours between the earliest early type and the latest late type.

No health advice without chronobiology

All training, whether on health, resilience, nutrition, sport/fitness, lifestyle, care, leadership, team building, etc., is incomplete without taking into account the consequences of this individuality in relation to the sleep/wake rhythm. This is because it is now impossible or even misleading to make targeted and effective recommendations for

ChronoCoach und Ernährung Coach
ChronoCoach und Fitness Coach
ChronoCoach und Pflege
ChronoCoach und Team Coach

without taking into account the individual genetic chronobiological basis, in particular the genetic sleep/wake rhythm of the respective client.

We have developed the first chronobiology training course, ChronoCoach® and ChronoCoach® Business, to provide experts from these areas, as well as from BGM, HRM and HSR(Q), with the appropriate foundations. Of course, it contains a complete sleep education as a basis, but sleep is only a partial element of chronobiology. It covers the entire 24 hours of a day and also deals with light and the tension between sunlight and artificial light and its effects on people.

What does the training include

4 modules in 3 months with self-awareness, work assignments and regular knowledge reviews, expert knowledge, practical experience and supervision.

The content is taught online in video lessons that you can access anywhere and at any time. There are also working materials to download and/or print out.

After the 3 months, further exchange and supervision can take place in the community on request (not included in the price).

What is your added value?

This is the most comprehensive further training course on chronobiology in the German-speaking world, which opens up all possibilities for you as a self-employed person or in a company. This allows you to position yourself as a unique selling point in your company.

Who am I?

If you came to this page directly via a search engine: My name is Michael Wieden and chronobiology has been my field for over 20 years. You can find out more about me here and of course everywhere on my website.

I invite you to be one of the first ChronoCoaches to accompany clients, employees or companies with your professional knowledge. You can find more facts and background information on this exclusive training program on the website of the well-established Always Well Rested Academy, through which we offer the ChronoCoach®.

Schlaftipps von Michael Wieden

Don’t miss the chronobiology train.

I look forward to seeing you!