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The 1st training course in chronobiology

BGM, HRM and HSE are your field? Become a chronobiology expert in your company, achieve significant improvements in employee efficiency and make a decisive contribution to your company’s success.

ChronoCoach Logo weiss

The 1st training course in chronobiology

BGM, HRM and HSE are your field? Become a chronobiology expert and achieve scientifically proven significant improvements in employee efficiency, reduce absenteeism and thus make a decisive contribution to the company’s success.

  • In the future, you will be the expert for the booming science of chronobiology in your company.

  • You sensitize employees to their genetic sleep-wake rhythms (chronotypes). This will enable them to implement simple but extremely effective improvements in the organization of their work processes and their private sphere.

  • You design tailor-made chronobiological prevention measures to align working and shift times with the chronotypes of employees. This reduces the risk of absenteeism, error rates and daytime fatigue while increasing performance, efficiency and concentration.

  • As a ChronoCoach, you also get a powerful tool to build a USP within your employer branding with the scientifically sound chronobiology expertise and the unique know-how of your own pilot projects.

  • With this training you will be one of the first trained chronobiology experts on the market.

With your knowledge of the genetically individual sleep/high-performance period of your employees, you can use preventative measures to have a significant influence on performance, absenteeism, error rates and accident risk.

This retains employees and reduces costs.

Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Tagesmüdigkeit
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Schlafstörungen
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Kopfschmerzen
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Enthusiasmus
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Krankheiten
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Tagesmüdigkeit
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Schlafstörungen
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Kopfschmerzen
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Enthusiasmus
Chronobiologie ChronoCoach Krankheiten

What makes the training unique:

Real video feedback from our first participants

Katharina Mengers

Michael and Inga have put together a lot of information and have managed to package it in such a way that it's easy to follow ....

Hello lovelies … I am now part of this wonderful training and can say that I have already learned so much in just a few months.
Michael and Inga have put together a lot of information and scientific studies and have managed to package it in such a way that you can follow it really well and learn a lot.
And through the regular live calls, we also have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss case studies, discuss our own coaching situations and thus learn a lot and make great progress.
So thumbs up for this really great training.

Simone Bendzulla-Achtermann

My expectations of the training were already quite high beforehand, and yet I didn't expect such variety and intensity.

Dear Inga, dear Michael,

I would like to thank you very much for this incredibly great and intensive training.
My expectations of the training were already quite high beforehand.
And yet I didn’t expect such variety and intensity.

So to everyone who registers for this family sleep coach training, plan enough time for it.
However, it shouldn’t be that difficult, as the content is so incredibly interesting and you really experience many aha moments, both for the clients and for your own sleep situation.

I have already been able to change a few things for myself, so that I now have nights with 7-8 hours of sleep.

Your close support during the training is incredibly valuable.
In the live calls and in the community, you answer every question (very promptly).
If there are any uncertainties among us participants, you manage to take them away with your appreciative manner.
I always leave a call feeling strengthened and motivated.

So: A thousand, thousand thanks for that!
Best regards

What makes the ChronoCoach® training so special?


We train pioneers.
The ChronoCoach® is the first comprehensive chronobiology training course on the market.
This is a unique selling point for you.

Practical knowledge

We have packed knowledge from 30 years of sleep and chronobiology, as well as from our own pilot projects in companies, which are unique worldwide, into this training for you.


The knowledge imparted is scientifically sound.
This also includes knowledge from our own scientifically supported projects.


We train pioneers.
The ChronoCoach® is the first comprehensive chronobiology training course on the market.
This is a unique selling point for you.

Practical knowledge

We have packed knowledge from 30 years of sleep and chronobiology, as well as from our own pilot projects in companies, which are unique worldwide, into this training for you.


The knowledge imparted is scientifically sound.
This also includes knowledge from our own scientifically supported projects.

What do you learn in the ChronoCoach training course?

Chronocoach - Die Chronobiologie Ausbildung Wissen

Knowledge about sleep and chronobiology

At the heart of this chronobiology and sleep coach training is, of course, knowledge about sleep and the internal clock, i.e. chronobiology, chronotypes and light as well as the effects on health, nutrition, sport, work, school, therapies and much more.
The focus is on practical relevance.
Scientifically sound, but simply explained.

Chronocoach - Die Chronobiologie Ausbildung Umsetzung

Knowledge of practical implementation

Specialist knowledge alone is not enough.
How does coaching work?
How can I initiate, design, implement and support prevention measures in families or companies?
The ChronoCoach® and ChronoCoach® Business training courses provide you with everything you need to put your knowledge into practice.

Chronocoach - Die Chronobiologie Ausbildung Selbstpositionierung

Knowledge of your own market positioning

How do I position myself on the market in the field of traditional sleep coaches and consultants?
How can I position myself as a ChronoCoach® in the company, e.g. as an expert in BGM, HRM or HSE, professionally and profitably for the employer?
Here you will find the most important information and tools.

What you can do at the end of your training

For private

ChronoCoach - Chronobiologie und Schlaf Coachings
Planning and implementing coaching sessions
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Workshops erarbeiten
Planning and implementing workshops
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Online Kurse erarbeiten und anbieten.
Developing online courses
ChronoCoach - Chronobiologie und Schlaf Fortbildungen erarbeiten.
Develop and implement training courses

For private

ChronoCoach - Chronobiologie und Schlaf Coachings
Planning and implementing coaching sessions
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Workshops erarbeiten
Planning and implementing workshops
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Online Kurse erarbeiten und anbieten.
Developing online courses
ChronoCoach - Chronobiologie und Schlaf Fortbildungen erarbeiten.
Develop and implement training courses

For business

ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Workshops erarbeiten
Planning and implementing workshops
ChronoCoach - Chronobiologie und Schlaf Fortbildungen erarbeiten.
Develop and implement training courses
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Inhouse Seminaren erarbeiten.
Initiate in-house training courses
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Workshops erarbeiten.
Develop measures for prevention

For business

ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Workshops erarbeiten
Planning and implementing workshops
ChronoCoach - Chronobiologie und Schlaf Fortbildungen erarbeiten.
Develop and implement training courses
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Inhouse Seminaren erarbeiten.
Initiate in-house training courses
ChronoCoach Chronobiologie Maßnahmen zur Prävention in Workshops erarbeiten.
Develop measures for prevention

Training in just 3 steps

ChronoCoach Bewerbung

Your application

This training is not right for everyone.
Click on the button and arrange a non-binding, personal information meeting with me via Zoom.

ChronoCoach Erstgespräch

Your initial consultation

In this interview, we will check together whether you have the right qualifications and whether the apprenticeship matches your goals, visions and skills.

ChronoCoach Vertrag

The contract

Finally, you will receive the contract.
Read it carefully, sign it and send it back by e-mail, then you will receive everything you need to get started.

ChronoCoach Bewerbung

Your application

This training is not right for everyone.
Click on the button and arrange a non-binding, personal information meeting with me via Zoom.

ChronoCoach Erstgespräch

Your initial consultation

In this interview, we will check together whether you have the right qualifications and whether the apprenticeship matches your goals, visions and skills.

ChronoCoach Vertrag

The contract

Finally, you will receive the contract.
Read it carefully, sign it and send it back by e-mail, then you will receive everything you need to get started.


Immer ausgeschlafen Akademie Logo

The ChronoCoach is an offer in cooperation with Inga Ahlers’ IMMER AUSGESCHLAFEN Academy.
Over 300 sleep experts have been successfully trained here for more than 5 years.
Inga Ahlers herself is a pioneer in the field of baby and child sleep.

Michael Wieden Entwickler ChronoCoach und Schlafcoach Ausbildung

Michael Wieden

Since 2002, I have been working on sleep and chronobiology in human resources management, i.e. HRM, BGM and HSE.
Healthy HR management and New Work will no longer be conceivable in the future without chronobiology and chronotypes. ChronoWork is on the rise.

In this context, I developed COPEP® – Chronotype Optimized Personnel Planning and Shift Scheduling.
In a scientifically supported study, we have now been able to prove the positive effects of COPEP® and chronobiological measures in companies in general for the first time.

I give keynotes, offer ChronoCoachings and support and accompany companies, clinics and institutions of all kinds, as well as their employees individually, in organizing work through the integration of chronobiology and sleep as a win-win situation for all those involved in work processes.

My extensive knowledge is incorporated into this ChronoCoach and sleep coach training to give you the perfect foundation for your work.

Inga Ahlers

After a life as a cultural scientist and journalist in Kiel and Berlin, Inga Ahlers reorganized her career in 2017 as a mother of three children with challenging sleep patterns.
As one of the first holistic sleep coaches for babies and toddlers, she is one of the pioneers of the sleep coaching scene in Germany.
With her training as a holistic sleep coach for babies and (small) children, she offers the first state-approved and certified training in Germany at the IMMER AUSGESCHLAFEN Academy.
Inga has many years of experience in dealing with the complexity of babies and children with sleep challenges and the various causes of sleep disorders.

Not only has she completed several sleep coaching courses herself and passed her certificate course in sleep medicine with flying colors, she is also trained in trauma-sensitive coaching, a nutritionist, an expert in stress prevention, an Aware Parenting family companion, a specialist in early childhood education and a Life Trust® coach.
Regular further education and training, such as a master’s degree in prevention and mental health, are a matter of course for her.
As a single mother of three children, she knows from her own experience how important sustainable and healthy sleep is for the whole family.

This is what drives her every day: to teach you how to help other families to simply sleep well.
With a lot of empathy, understanding and, above all, a holistic and individual approach, because every family is different and has a right to healthy, restful sleep and all the positive effects that come with a good night’s sleep.

Inga Ahlers Gründerin und CEO der Immer Ausgeschlafen Akademie, Schlafcoach Ausbildung

What the IMMER AUSGESCHLAFEN Academy offers YOU

ChronoCoach - Professionelle Chronobiologie Schulung

Professional training + 1:1 support

Our ChronoCoach and sleep coach training is structured in such a way that you can complete it in the time that fits into your everyday life, but also matches your ambitions.

We train you to become an expert and support you in successfully guiding your first customer to their goal.
5-6 hours per week is enough to complete one of our training courses.
Our promise:

We will accompany you until you feel 100% confident in your work!

Immer ausgeschlafen Akademie Betreuung
ChronoCoach Live Calls

Live Calls

Regular live calls are available for individual queries.
Inga and/or Michael will personally answer every question in detail and provide you with the latest insights directly from the field at any time.

The recordings of all live calls are stored in the portal so that you can watch them again at any time.
You can also take part in the live calls after completing your training.

ChronoCoach Netzwerken

Networking with like-minded people

You gain access to the sleep expert community in the internal network of the IMMER AUSGESCHLAFEN AKADEMIE.
All our participants are on the same wavelength as you and are pursuing the same goal.
Maybe you need support with your projects!

In our community you receive support, motivation, exchange and in addition, business relationships as well as friendships are formed; for each other instead of against each other.

FAQ on chronobiology and sleep coach training

Who is this training suitable for?
  • Start-ups in the field of sleep coaching – With ChronoCoach you can set yourself apart from other sleep coaches.
  • Active sleep coaches – With the ChronoCoach you can visibly stand out from other sleep coaches as a chronobiology expert.
  • Coaches for health, nutrition, sport, personality, executives, etc. – This chronobiology and sleep coach training will give you a huge knowledge advantage over your competitors, because coaching in these areas is always incomplete without chronobiology.
  • Company employees or freelancers in the areas of occupational health management, HRM and HSE – sleep and the sleep/wake rhythm are key elements when it comes to the health and performance of employees.
    The same applies to occupational safety.
    This is still far too underestimated.
    You can change that!
How long does an apprenticeship last?

The ChronoCoach® training consists of 4 modules over 3 months.
But you have enough time beyond that if you can’t make it.
Don’t worry about it!

Do I need to have previous knowledge?

Basically, the ChronoCoach® training is structured in such a way that you do not need any previous knowledge.
However, it makes sense that you have the appropriate mindset in relation to health, as many things interact with sleep and especially the sleep/wake rhythm.
Your mindset is a key factor in building a unique selling point.
This is exactly where an appointment for an initial consultation provides clarity.

I want to be given the knowledge, but not be active as a coach.

No problem.
The training is called “ChronoCoach” to make it clear that you will be much more than “just” a consultant after completing it.
If, for example, you are an employee in a company in the context of BGM, HRM or HSE, you will learn everything you need to know to actively support employees.

Can I also create business concepts?

The ChronoCoach provides you with the specialist knowledge base in relation to sleep and chronobiology to be able to initiate larger projects in companies.

However, the ChronoCoach Business extension, which will be available from 2025, will provide you with a host of tried-and-tested concepts, tools, aids and strategies that will allow you to implement such sensitive projects professionally, efficiently and purposefully.
This is particularly interesting for employees from BGM, HRM and HSE.

If you are interested, please let us know and we will make a note of you.
The ChronoCoach® training is a mandatory prerequisite for the supplementary course.

I don't like the term "coach".

We know that there are experts who try to cast the term “coach” in a bad light because it is not a protected designation.
However, the alternative “consultant” is not a protected designation either.
Just as there are black sheep among scientists, there are black sheep among consultants or coaches.

However, the term “coach” simply describes your work best, as you do not give advice, but accompany people in a completely different way.
For this reason, we have registered the term “ChronoCoach”.
So you can be sure that no one can call themselves a ChronoCoach unless they have completed the training.
This means you have a much better chance of being perceived as reputable.
We also have the power to take legal action against coaches who misuse this term.

With the designation, you have a very high-quality tool in your hand to underpin your unique selling point with seriousness and reliability.
It’s up to you whether you want to use the term later or not.

I have already trained as a sleep coach and only want the ChronoCoach®.

The ChronoCoach® is a self-contained, high-quality chronobiology training program that includes a complete and comprehensive sleep coach training.
Our graduates can then claim the ChronoCoach® brand for themselves.
This brand stands for knowledge that we have imparted ourselves in order to be able to guarantee the high standard of the ChronoCoach® brand to your end customers.

This presupposes that we must be sure that all the content that makes up the ChronoCoach® has been taught.
However, since we do not know what content was taught in your previous sleep coach training or further training or whether it is still up to date, we cannot recognize your sleep coach training as equivalent per se.

It is therefore essential that you also complete the sleep coach part of the ChronoCoach® training.
In the end, you will benefit from the additional knowledge and the high standard, also when approaching customers.

What does the training cost?

The cost of the training, including the rights to use the ChronoCoach® designation, is as follows

2.300€ plus.
statutory value added tax.

After 2 years there is a recertification fee of currently € 190 plus VAT.
plus VAT.
The recertification consists of a short test.
This is necessary to ensure that, on the one hand, the knowledge is still available and, on the other hand, that newly added content, which is available to every graduate around the clock, has also been included.

This form of quality assurance serves to strengthen the ChronoCoach® brand as well as your market presence.

References, media and feedback from Michael Wieden

Great presentation style … Very impressive presentation, which I would recommend and book again at any time!

Anna Jopp, Personnel Officer

ESN Deutsche Tischtennis Technologie GmbH

Perfect for the group of participants.
The presentation was thought-provoking and will play a major role in the current transformation of the world of work.

Franziska Müller, Project Secretary

IG-Metall Schweinfurt

Refreshing and interesting presentation of the topic of chronobiology.
Helpful and useful information for both professional and private life and actions was presented in a practical and impressive way.

Theo Weber, Würzburg management


Super interesting, well moderated, instructive and eye-opening – the online lecture was great!
Thank you very much!

Eva Bovet, sleep coach

Freundinnen der Nacht

Authentic, inspiring and very likeable.
Last week I listened to your extremely interesting lecture on the subject of chronobiology. This one really fascinated me.
… Everyone was moved by the topic, …

Norman Daßler, Head of Nursing & Specialist for Occupational Health Management

Wartenberg Clinic

Through my work as a sleep coach, I already have more insight into the magical world of sleep.
Nevertheless, Mr. Wieden gave me new insights.
He explained in a likeable and competent way why it is so important to know your own sleep type and the impact of ignoring it, both privately and at work.
Super interesting, well moderated, instructive and eye-opening – the online lecture was great!
Thank you!


from Proven Experts

… thank you very much for your entertaining and interesting presentation this week in Augsburg at the AOK

Christof Gai, Head of Human Resources

Lebenshilfe Aichach-Friedberg

Very reliable, smooth and friendly contact.
Understands how to present scientific theory with vivid examples.
Has a good mix of seriousness and humor.

Christine Brummer

AOK Bavaria

A relatively new topic, very interestingly presented.
I believe that chronobiology has a future in occupational health management.
… Very pleasant speaker with good and not exaggerated use of non-verbal language.

Uwe Leidinger

AOK Head Office Coburg

Many thanks for the great workshop – it was great fun.

Marc Teufel, Human Resources Manager

Karl Späh GmbH & Co KG

An incredibly exciting topic with many points of reference in the field of mobile working, but also in occupational healthcare, as I have learned.

Axel Praus, former Managing Director

DEGW Europe

A very inspiring lecture!
Filled with lots of facts, but still very personal and understandable.

Thalea Schlosser, sleep coach

Very entertaining and informative lecture on chronobiology, after which all questions that arose were answered in a friendly and informative manner.
A likeable person who is a pleasure to listen to.

Roman Schulz Dobrick, GF

Schulz Dobrick GmbH

Owls and larks – which times are really defined here?
I’m going to rethink this.
A definition that makes me think and calls deployment planning into question.
What does the employee (f/m/d) really need?
Can we as managers and in our duty of care always take everything into account?
Thank you for the inspiration and stay hopeful and healthy.

Kristina Stenzel

Very good presentation style, extremely informative, conveys completely new approaches in the field of OHM and HRM. With regard to many BGM measures, a rethink based on chronobiology should take place!


from Proven Experts

Overall conclusion: Feedback from the participants:

– Very interesting presentation
– exciting topic
– successful event

Martin Frasch

from Proven Experts

ChronoCoach - Much more than just a sleep coach training!